Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 4 - Friday at 11:30 am

Good morning - all still going well. Last night was relatively quiet with Lyss getting some much needed rest. Urine output has remained at a high level, allowing the doctors to begin weening her off all the extra fluids that they are pumping into her. It also means that she can rid herself of the catheter at midnight tonight. Talk about your "midnight madness," the catheter has been Alyssa's biggest issue following the surgery, so this is really good news! She has begun the countdown!

Still don't have the lab results from today, but will post as soon as available. We're off now for a walk around the halls. If we can build up her strength, a Saturday discharge may be in her future.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to read of the continuing good news. Carol and I would like to make a nice dinner for the Deffenbaugh clan over the weekend if there isn't anything already planned. If there is we will do it a different time.
